Group Classes
All our classes are pre- and post-natal safe unless otherwise stated
Jump to: Class Schedule | Sweat | Strength | Core & Floor | Circuits | Mums and Bubs | Class Prerequisites
Check out this months group class schedule below!
Contact us to book in (Online bookings will be available again soon)
Valid on all Evolve classes when you buy either a package of 10, 20 or 30. Get in touch for more information!
Terms & Conditions Apply:
24 hour late cancellation charge.
No refunds, exchanges, or returns.
First come, first serve for class booking.
This class is focused on facilitating the return to running, sports and high impact exercise. It will include single leg work, resistance and cardiovascular conditioning.
45min, graded high impact, mod-high intensity
Suitable for all stages including pregnant and postnatal (12 weeks+) clients, with modifications made for prolapse and stress incontinence.
To join this class for the first time, please fill in this class pre-exercise form and contact us to book your spot!
A class for anyone at all life stages looking for a higher paced mix of strength and impact movements. It includes a combination of full-body weight, resistance and impact to improve general strength and conditioning.
60min, high impact, high intensity
Open to all genders
Note: While this class is appropriate for pregnant and postnatal (12 weeks+) clients, you must be already exercising regularly and at a high level prior to commencing this class
A female lifting class focusing on general strength and functional movements such as the squat, push, pull, press. This class may include dumbbells, kettlebells, resistance bands and TRX.
This class is for new or experienced women in strength training
45min, no impact, moderate intensity
Suitable for pregnancy, postnatal (recommended 8 weeks+ if medically cleared), menopause, with modifications for prolapse, stress incontinence etc
To join this class for the first time, please fill in this class pre-exercise form and contact us to book your spot!
Core & Floor
A bodyweight and light resistance class focusing on supervised pelvic floor strength and multi-directional abdominal strengthening exercises. Suitable for those wanting to (re)learn how to strengthen their deep core and pelvic floor and build a strong foundation
Physio led, 45min, no impact, low intensity, core work only.
Suitable for pregnancy, postnatal, pelvic floor issues e.g. stress incontinence, prolapse, abdominal separation/diastasis
To join this class for the first time, please fill in this class pre-exercise form and make sure you’re able to do these Core & Floor Prerequisite Movements.
If you’re unsure about your pelvic floor, core or any of the movements, please book an appointment with one of our Women’s Health Physiotherapists today.
Class Pre-requisites
Core & Floor Class
Sweat / Circuits Class
Strength Class
Class Booking will be available again soon. We are just moving to a new booking system. We are very sorry for the inconvenience. Please email us on to book a class.
Cancellation Policy
Please note a minimum of 3 sign-ups are needed for class to proceed.
If there are less than 3 sign-ups 24-hours prior to class, the class will be cancelled and you will be contacted.
If you need to cancel or reschedule your booking, please do so 24-hours before, otherwise you will be charged for the class or one will be deducted from your package.